MumSafe™️ , founded by Jen Dugard, is the go-to place online for women to find mum-focused fitness services that are post-natal accredited, experienced and partnered with women’s health physios so you know you are in very safe hands.

Behind the scenes, the MumSafe™️ team is on a mission to change the way that women are looked after across the fitness industry once they become a Mother – we want to raise awareness of the importance of a post-natal check with a women’s health physio and ensure that all Mums are safely and effectively looked after when they return to exercise after having a baby. I am proud that I can call myself a MumSafe™️ Membership team member and here at Buggy Bootcamp you already know that we align with this mission!

As affiliates, we also choose collaboration over competition.  We know that when we stand together our voices are louder and more women will therefore be properly looked after on their fitness journey as a mother.  Our MumSafe™️ Membership is a stamp of approval which tells you that at Buggy Bootcamp we have your best interests at heart and work in collaboration with other fitness professionals that support us in supporting you.

Day-to-day, absolutely nothing will change at Buggy Bootcamp – we will still operate under our brand EXACTLY the way we have run for years. Our trainers will now just have access to heaps more resources, training and other like-minded fitness professionals – which will hopefully mean more exciting collaborations, events, campaigns and socials for you guys. Stay tuned!

Carly X


Maternity sports bra Choosing the right sports bra as a pregnant, post-natal or nursing mum Let us be clear. Whatever your circumstance, you NEED to wear the correct bra. For exercise, for the school run, for doing a grocery shop – our changing bodies require support and no more so, than when we are pregnant….

What NOT to do when returning to exercise after your baby! New mothers are complicated creatures. We have not only exerted a mammoth amount of energy in reaching the finishing line of growing a human person, we have also birthed that baby, nurtured them, fed them, clothed them, and stayed awake for countless hours with…

Post-natal exercise in a park for busy new Mums Life for a new parent can be exceptionally busy and can feel somewhat chaotic at times. Sometimes it isn’t for lack of trying to exercise, it’s the limitations that come with trying to fit a workout into your already busy day that prevents you from getting…

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